A Message from Florists.com

We are excited to announce a reinvented Florists.com as a trusted sender. We recognize that there have been challenges in the past but want you to know that we are committed to improving the experience for local shops like you moving forward!
For Valentine's Day, we've already made revisions to streamline processes including:
- Updating recipes so that bouquets are simpler to make with readily available floral
- Increased demand while keeping your profitability top of mind
- Extended delivery date windows to allow for maximum flexibility with substitutions and deliveries
- Have a dedicated team of Customer Service agents for our shops, ready to answer any questions and help you fill orders – quickly
We are dedicated to ongoing improvements and refinements even after the holiday season, and plan to send out a survey to gather feedback from all of you to understand how we can continue to build a stronger relationship going forward. We deeply value your partnership and are excited for a more seamless and positive collaboration in the upcoming months.
Quick Reminders!
- Check Flex Messages. Most orders this week should have flex!
- Order Minimums. Remember to set up your minimums in BloomLink.
- Review Substitution Guidelines. Visit this link: https://bit.ly/4hLSFiI
Connect with Customer Service
- email custserv@florists.com
- phone (844) 721-4059
- chat on www.bloomnet.net (this website)
2025 Valentine's Day & Everyday Workroom Manual (effective 1/1/25) Visit this link: https://bit.ly/40VFPHY